Generácia Z prepisuje pravidlá pracovného trhu. Odmieta v práci diktátorov, šéf má byť mentor.
Tradičná hierarchia im prestáva dávať zmysel. Túžia po väčšej slobode, zmysluplnej práci a menšej kontrole od nadriadených, zhodujú sa experti...
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Dear Ms. XY,
I am interested in the job offer for the position of Key Account Manager in your company. I consider the opportunity to work in Electronics Ltd. extremely attractive. The position advertised seems suitable to me mainly due to my interest in business and retail and my previous relevant experience in this field. As a customer I know the high level of services provided, and the quality of products sold, by Electronics Ltd., which is appealing to me as a sales person.
In my last job I spent three years as a KAM at Cables Ltd., dealing with electronics distribution and sales. I was also engaged in the care and development of trade with key clients. In my 8 years of experience in trade and dealing with customers I have learned to see opportunities where others cannot. In searching for and contacting potential clients, I use the network of contacts I have established over my years of working in retail. Dealing with key clients is easy for me thanks to my excellent communication skills, knowledge of English and flexibility in searching for the optimal solution. I am a dynamic and ambitious person with a proactive approach. I get along well with people and I can effectively build strong relationships with clients as well as colleagues. Although I am an independent type of person, I am able to work in a team and bring things to a successful conclusion.
You can find relevant details about my experience and education in the attached CV. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have during a personal interview. Please do not hesitate to contact me by email or phone.
Yours sincerely,
Ing. John XY