Lead Frontend Developer - Angular

Typ kontraktu
Trvalý pracovný pomer
3 500 - 4 500 €
Ref. Č.
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Popis práce

Pre nášho klienta v Košiciach, ktorý pôsobí v priemysle v globálnom merítku, hľadáme skúseného Frontend alebo Fullstack Developera, ktorý by sa pridal k agilnému tímu pracujúcemu na vývoji komplexného SW založeného na microservices architektúre.

Náplň práce:

· analýza požiadaviek, dizajn, test a vývoj komponentov podľa definovaných požiadaviek

· využitie knižníc, frameworkov a API

· riešenie aplikačných a technických problémov

· práca v Agile tíme v spolupráci s backend, frontend developermi a testermi, konzultácia s product ownerom a dátovými expertami ohľadom nových funkcionalít a iterácií

· mentoring menej skúsených kolegov

· tvorba a analýza vizuálnych diagramov a metód - logické technické diagramy, flowcharty a modely

Responsibilities of the successful candidates are to design, architect and develop software solutions such as features, capabilities of platform and whole applications that meet client or customer requirements.

· Competent to analyze the requirements.

· Competent to design, architect and develop the software components that meet defined requirements.

· Seek the most recent coding practices (libraries, frameworks, APIs) and standard design patterns in software development and socialize them among teams

· Works directly on complex application/technical problem identification and resolution.

· Works independently on complex systems or infrastructure components that may be used by one or more applications or systems.

· Able to mentor team members developing in Angular.

· Design and develop methods for web application test automation

· Create and analyze visual diagrams and methods - logical technical diagrams, flowcharts, and models - that document the complexity of delivered services.

· Support engineering teams in designing and architecting good architectural principles

· Leverage Agile practices during the whole software development lifecycle.

· Coordinate with product manager and product owners to plan, analyze, implement, and maintain enhancements/upgrades and understand the use of a specific functionality as needed.

· Collaborate with a team of software and test engineers, designers, and data scientists to optimize and iterate on software solutions.

· Employee is also responsible for performing other job duties as assigned by Solar Digital management from time to time.


· titul v technickom smere a 5 rokov skúseností v rámci vývoja softvéru

· 3 roky skúseností s vývojom komplexných webových aplikácií, technický leadership

· skúsenosti s Angular 2+, HTML & CSS

· Agile methodology (ideálne Scaled Agile Framework)

· angličtina - B2


· samostatnosť a proaktivita, skúsenosti s prácou v malom agilnom tíme

· skúsenosti s nasadzovaním SW pomocou CI/CD technológií ako Jenkins, Azure Devops a pod.

· Bachelor's Degree or relevant experience in Software engineering.

· Proven record of strong technical understanding and technical leadership.

· 5 years or more of relevant industry experience.

· 3 years or more of experience with designing, developing, delivering, and maintaining large scale enterprise web applications.

· 5 years or more of software engineering experience - frontend or full-stack developer (Angular 2+, HTML & CSS)

· Strong understanding of Agile methodology, preferable Scaled Agile Framework.

Top candidates will also have:

· Ability to operate as a lead and skilled angular developer/architect to support engineering teams during activities.

· Interest in working collaboratively with other engineering leadership, product owners, software developers and other stakeholders.

· Ability to diagnose and troubleshoot production application issues.

· Ability to work independently without any degree of supervision.

· Ability to lead and mentor other team members working with Angular.

· Responsibility to conduct peer reviews.

· Deploying software using CI/CD tools such as Jenkins, Azure DevOps etc.

· Passion for technology and an eagerness to contribute to a team-oriented environment

· Ability to adapt quickly to a complex environment

· Pro-active thinking - being flexible and creative

· Self-motivated mentality - individual with passion in latest technology trends.

· Strong communication skills and the ability to collaborate with other team members.

  • extra 5 dní dovolenky
  • flexibilný pracovný čas
  • možnosť HO/remote
  • príspevok do 3. piliera
  • životné poistenie
  • refferal bonus, dobrovoľnícky deň voľna a iné.
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