They use flexicapture tool for extraction documents
Someone ho has profile a ittle bit extras from business analyses, some technical background, a little bit programming
What is the best technology thay can use
What is the technology needed
Daily task : you are in contact with stakeholders, non technocal person, time consuming process with documents, how cn we do this and this better, ask client what exactly they need to extract and why
Using flexicapture
O hands on parts . Tool cn be use for automation
What kind of template and patterns are there
Dat analyses
How to build the template for these tpe of documents
What is the ideal candidate? Someone who has already experince with IT support, idealy with documentation and information extraction, working in area of technical writting, big focus on using tools for translation or documentation
Netry level support person who has some knowleadge of scripting
Data analyst who also has some business analyst experience, degreee in engineering, and working in area of automation of business proceses involved the documentations
Java - intermediate woudl be enogugh
Group and move the documents without doing this manually, need to writte some basic scripts
Any programming language, but Java is a big plus, because he can learn fast
About extracting information - semiextraction
They use flexicapture tool for extraction documents
Someone ho has profile a ittle bit extras from business analyses, some technical background, a little bit programming
What is the best technology thay can use
What is the technology needed
Daily task : you are in contact with stakeholders, non technocal person, time consuming process with documents, how cn we do this and this better, ask client what exactly they need to extract and why
Using flexicapture
O hands on parts . Tool cn be use for automation
What kind of template and patterns are there
Dat analyses
How to build the template for these tpe of documents
What is the ideal candidate? Someone who has already experince with IT support, idealy with documentation and information extraction, working in area of technical writting, big focus on using tools for translation or documentation
Netry level support person who has some knowleadge of scripting
Data analyst who also has some business analyst experience, degreee in engineering, and working in area of automation of business proceses involved the documentations
Java - intermediate woudl be enogugh
Group and move the documents without doing this manually, need to writte some basic scripts
Any programming language, but Java is a big plus, because he can learn fast
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